

09/30/2013 07:37

Letting go of your children is one of the hardest things you will ever have to do especially if they are ALL you have EVER had your entire life.

I’ve dedicated my entire life taking care of my children on my own. Making sure they had a roof over their heads a room to call their own, food on the table, warmth at night and love they could count on.

I’ve provided all that I could and ensured that I taught my kids right from wrong. I’ve guided them and counseled them from the good and bad. I raised them to be young adults with manners and respect. I’m a proud mother not a perfect mother but a PROUD mother who suffers in silent the departure of her “babies”.

I know there comes a time where the birdies have to fly out of the nest but nothing in the world prepares you for the pain your heart feels on this day. You are proud and supportive because this is another chapter in their life.

We raise, we teach, we speak of independence to our children so that one day it will come to fruition, but when it finally comes how prepared are you to have your children move on?

I know its part of growing up and the whole process of their continuous adult hood but as a mother you feel like everything inside of you is being ripped out. There’s no better feeling than knowing your children are safe in bed a few feet away from you.

How do you begin to rest your head at night when they are no longer a few feet away from you? How do you ensure that they are okay? Will this pain ever stop?

No one said letting go would be easy but I also never imagine it would be this excruciating.

Don’t misunderstand I’m happy & ecstatic, proud of my children but it doesn’t take away the emotions I have in my heart at this time.

Letting go will never be easy but it’s something we must go through. I only hope I can survive it.

I love both my kids to infinity and beyond and wouldn’t know what to do without them.

Letting go is hard to do: New chapter, new beginnings.


Smooches ♥♥


09/29/2013 09:01

The devil is evil. Have you ever had everything going exactly how you want it, and your feeling great and praising God for all that he does for you?  Then one day out of the blue you feel down, withdrawn and no energy to do anything?


Have you noticed that the closer you get to God the more the devil tries to intercept? The devil is evil, malicious and hurtful.


When and if this has ever happened to you learn to recognize it and don’t give the devil the power. Praise the Lord’s name LOUD and strong and make the devil go away!


These are tests of temptation and we can’t let the devil win. Prayer and worship will bring us closer to God. “Faith is being sure of what we hope for and certain of what we do not see” (Hebrews 11:1).


Smooches ♥♥


09/26/2013 10:22

When you make up your mind that no matter what life deals your way you're going to stay calm and in peace, all the forces of darkness cannot keep you from your destiny. – Joel Osteen

Smooches  ♥♥


09/25/2013 09:38

Envy - a feeling of discontented or resentful longing aroused by “someone else's” possessions, qualities, or luck, and in some cases their look and personality.

Being envious is such a horrible thing; it brings negative energy and unhappiness to your hearts. Instead of envying someone STOP and think: “Am I happy?” Why else would you envy someone else? There is nothing you can’t have or do, to be the person you want to be, without wanting “someone else’s” life!

Instead of being “envious” of anyone, why not “admire” them for what they bring to the table their strengths, their qualities, their abilities, their creativity, their inner beauty and their hearts. Take the time to get to know them before you envy the superficial aspects.

It takes so much energy to be negative than to be a positive role model! Be the person others look up to and admire.


Smooches  ♥♥


09/24/2013 05:39

Great minds discuss ideas; average minds discuss events; small minds discuss people.

Which mind are you??  


Smooches ♥♥


09/23/2013 09:05

Failure is not an option however, if you fail at it. Try again. Do better the second, third & fourth time. However many times it takes don’t give up! The only people who never tumble are those who never try at anything. Do the one thing you think you cannot do. One day you may just surprise yourself at how far you’ve come.

Smooches  ♥♥


09/22/2013 10:22

No one can make you feel worthless unless you allow him or her. You must value yourself and others will follow. The minute you show less others will do the same. Self worth is priceless. Only you have the power to change anything! Take pride and it will show. Never settle for anything less.


You are worth it!


Smooches ♥♥


09/21/2013 12:04

Nothing can stand against our God. Whatever you face in life, if you will just hold your peace and remain at rest, God promises He will fight your battles. He will make a way even when you don’t see a way. – Joel Osteen


Smooches ♥♥


09/20/2013 06:21

Worth Living


Believe that life is worth living and your belief will help create the fact. – William James


Smooches ♥♥


09/19/2013 06:41



Never be ashamed of the scars that life has left you with. A scar means the hurt is over, the wound is closed, you endured the pain and God has healed you. – Unknown


Smooches ♥♥

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